Monday, December 16, 2013

The Christmas Season begins.

Patience is humble, meek, and mild, quiet
Courage is bold, upright, shining for all to see.

I have used both of these lately, sometimes at the same time.

It took ALL of my patience to stick with this 2nd Job, even if it was just 10 weeks.
I will spend a moment here to explain, seeing how I never seemed to get to write it.
On the way back to our hotel from a wonderful 5th wedding anniversary dinner overlooking the ocean, I was expressing to Jon my strong desire of wanting to leave Sephora. “is it right for me?” “is this really what I wanna do?” I specifically told Jon of how people always comment how friendly I am and in my industry “recruiting” happens a lot. “why can’t I just get recruited?”  A week later I walk into a clothing store, Ann Taylor Loft to RETURN a skirt I bought online when the manager chats me up and after less than 10 mins of talking asks if I would like to pick up extra hours and I said yes, of course!

It was only 3 extra shifts, but it would make me have “full time hours”. But as the end of October and November began to pick up I was working on my day off and 2 13-hour days because I would work both places. It didn’t take long for 50 plus hour work week to weigh on me. Also lets be honest-clothes is boring. My shoulders would hurt from all the folding.

I began to wonder “Dear Lord, is this really what you want me to do?”

So then best thing ever, that I have wanted for 6 plus years finally happens to me! Sephora offers me full time with benefits and Sundays aren’t required!!!! All I can express is my pure Joy!! Now Jon and I can finally start a family- I will have medical insurance!!! I can work hard and save save save!!!  This was surreal to me for a few days, and I couldn't believe it, I was waiting for the offer to be retracted.

Not long after, I was watching an Lds you tube video and suddenly, it was made perfectly clear to me. It took seeing this to let my self enjoy what was happening. Elder Holland said it better than I ever could:

This is exactly what happened to me. He showed me a “wrong road” quickly so that I might have even more faith in what I’m suppose to be doing. I built even more trust and guidance with my heavenly father. Stay close to the lord and amazing things can happen.

 A few days later reality set in, and it was awful. I had so many errands to finish after work and lots of prep work to get thanksgiving ready  And Then my prayers were answered!! I got to go home from work 2 hours early, I thought this is great, I will be able to get all my prep work done  and go to bed at a decent time before having to get up at 5 am to put a turkey in for a thanksgiving lunch, since I would have to work that evening- yes, on thanksgiving itself.

After returning home at 3 in the morning from my shift on thanksgiving day, I went straight away to sleep to wake up at 8am to go work my very last shift at Loft at 10 am black Friday. I was dreading going back to the mall.

I survived. but just barely. I truly think people came to shop just because it was open. somewhere not their house, and air conditioned - hoping to be waited on hand and foot - on black Friday in the wee hours of the night. I had a lot of disgruntled thoughts that whole day. Why on earth do you want a foundation match and a sample right now???? Lots of people were with their families, but truly could not care that I wasn't with mine. short tempers and demanding needs made it very hard for this gal who usually keeps her mouth shut anyways, to keep that way.

With Christmas just 10 days away now,  it is hard to see the true meaning of Christmas in the mall. But this is not where Christmas lives. It is in our hearts and our homes when we share the gifts of love and kindness and comfort to those around us. May each one of us seek after these opportunitys.

 "The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of family all wrapped up together with joy and love."

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